Headshot of Dr Lynn Chang in Asian shirt against a green nature background

  Meet Dr. Lynn Chang

I love my job so much— it doesn’t even feel like work. Simply joyful, deep connections with kindred spirits each day. Lifting others up and helping them shine their light is my gift, what’s yours? It’s time to step into your purpose!

A native Austinite, I received my Bachelors in Psychology from UT Austin and Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Colorado State University. I’ve worked as a university career counselor, adjunct professor, guest speaker, therapist, psychometrist, special events coordinator, retreat organizer, and body image researcher. Each part of my career journey has been cumulative, as is yours.

For over 20 years, I’ve been teaching people how to discover their life path and pivot in a direction that’s truly the best fit for them. It's incredibly rewarding to see people figure out what they were meant to do and make that career transition with enthusiasm and ease. That's CAREER ZEN.


YOU ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SUCCEED. My job is to teach you to trust yourself. 


green yin yang sign with description of the yin process as get centered, learn who you are, find what you want, create vision, stay connected, trust yourself, cultivate peace. The yang process as explore new careers, map out a plan, grow your networ…

Know yourself.   Have faith.   Choose JOY.

partially viewable Buddha statue with backdrop of light blue sky

I have come to a point in my career where my eastern spiritual studies greatly inform my work with clients. It is incredibly rewarding to infuse career principles with yoga and meditation, spirituality and philosophy, positive psychology, shamanism, and quantum physics. For me, all of these studies come together to explain our Life's Purpose.

Career Zen helps people find fulfillment in work and life. It's not just about finding a job but a rewarding career that gives back to society. And living from an authentic place of peace and joy. I offer consultations, group classes, online courses, workshops and presentations, special events and retreats!

I have always valued efficiency and not wasting time. Maybe it was influenced by my engineering dad :) Therefore my consultation business is based on strategic career advice. My ability to understand your journey and give you the necessary tools will be expedient and effective. I will teach you exactly what you need to know with finely-tuned precision, and you'll have the knowledge and motivation to then set things into motion.

Ready to begin your journey with Career Zen?

Here's to your Fulfillment!



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